Saturday 9 January 2010

From the saw-it-coming desk

My first post on this blog talked about the coaches on the hot seat. Let's see how I did...

Jim Zorn expresses his feelings at not having to coach Jason Campbell anymore

Jim Zorn
Got fired and replaced by Mike Shanahan this week, and it was never in any doubt. I'd credit myself with predicting this one, but that would be like predicting the sun rising.  He'll be back in the game soon enough, probably as a offensive co-ordinator, perhaps in Seattle, where he was QB coach from 2001-2007, and a QB himself from 1976-1984. As an aside, I also derided GM Vinny Cerrato, who fell on his sword a couple of weeks later. Score!

Cannot: turn around Bills franchise. Can: probably fuck you up 

Perry Fewell
Ralph Wilson cleared the decks in Buffalo this week, firing the entire coaching staff. Fewell has interviewed for the head coach's job, but he is ranked somewhere alongside Dennis Green and Rich Kotite in his chances of actually getting it. He'll probably be a defensive co-ordinator next year, most likely with the New York Giants. Again, this was too easy to call.

"And by next offseason I'll be this fat"

Eric Mangini
This is the first one I'm giving myself credit for. I said "If you're going to give the guy a mandate to tear it down and rebuild, you can't let him do half the job and fire him." This week, new Browns team president (football czar? Parcellinator?) Mike Holmgren spared Mangini, saying "In my opinion, Eric has gained the respect and admiration of players, coaches and others in the organization, and with him continuing to lead the team I feel that we are headed in the right direction." You can't argue with winning the last 4 games - the Browns looked better in every phase, fought hard, and looked like they believed in themselves again. Mangini earned it, and I predicted it.

Do the funky Coughlin

Tom Coughlin
I said Coughlin would survive, and "Co-ordinators Kevin Gilbride and Bill Sheridan are in the crosshairs instead." Sheridan was fired this week, after one season on the job, and a defense that gave up 40 points on five occasions. Gilbride can count himself lucky, although his punishment may be replacing...

Tom Cable
Not gone yet, but in the waiting room. The fact that the Raiders' 5-11 mess was regarded as somewhat of a success tells you everything about the reduced expectations in Oakland these days. JaMarcus Russell was awful in every conceivable way, they couldn't run or pass with any consistency, and the defense, usually their saving grace, was sub-par. Cable was better than Lane Kiffin or the second coming of Art Shell, so he still has a chance to survive. Not a good chance, though.

I got it wrong: Gary Kubiak survived, thanks to a late-season run of four wins. His team showed improvement, but there has to be a playoff appearance next year, surely... Wade Phillips takes a hot team into the playoffs, and with a decent run, he's coming back next year. Saved by a clutch December from Romo and the boys; who'da thunk it... John Fox is safe for a while thanks to DeAngelo Williams and Jonathan Stewart, but I'll say it again: Jake Delhomme will get you fired...

The jury's still out: Lovie Smith looks like he's staying, but I was right about Ron Turner. He'll likely be replaced by USC offensive co-ordinator and Cutler favourite Jeremy Bates...

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